Leagsoft UniNAC Network Access Control

Leading in Network Access Control Product in China

Product Overview

Leagsoft is the pioneer and leader in China's network access control market, our purpose is to secure our customers’enterprise by providing industry-leading products in the field of endpoint security at network-layer. For 19 years, Leagsoft has been renowned in the industry for its leading technology, excellent service, and high-end customers. UniNAC serves as an infrastructure to address security management issues, aiding large enterprises in cybersecurity, particularly in endpoint security and data security, in addition to being a tool for IT operations.

UniNAC prefer direct collaborating with network devices to achieving excellent network security, reliability and networking flexibility, and currently has adapted to hundreds of models of network devices natively. With Leagsoft NACC access controller, UniNAC can adapt to all kinds of complex networks including LAN (Switch/HUB), WLAN, WAN, VPN, and even NAT environments.

As the first-choice brand to replace foreign NAC products, Leagsoft UniNAC has a leading market share in banking, securities, taxation and other industries. Meanwhile, with high quality and excellent service, Leagsoft also helps industry-leading customers (such as China Development Bank, etc.) to replace international first-tier peer products.

Key Capabilities


Flexible Networking and High Compatibility
More flexible networking in the industry, more comprehensive access authentication technology, such as wired, wireless, WAN, VPN and wider network device compatibility;
Support for Windows, MacOS, Linux, iOS, 802.1X protocol for Android, Xinchuang and etc.;
Supports devices roaming across the network.
Performance and Scalability
Single system supports 150,000+ device management, also supports cluster deployment;
Standard API for third-party systems for integration and customization.
Reliability and Availability
Superior reliability design: Simple structure, no single point of failure, emergency escape, fuse for Radius, automatic exemption;
Simple deployment and maintenance: Self-service deployment tools are available, users do not have to change network attribute settings. Network access failures in terms of ports, authentication, policies, bindings, etc. can all be displayed in one page.
Lower Risks and Reduce Costs
UniNAC is an independent third-party security solutions that does not rely on network devices from different vendors, users have more freedom in network devices purchasing decisions;
UniNAC has a larger market share in China that lower our customers’decision-making risks and TCO.
Least Privilege Access
Granular policy management delivers automatic network segmentation based on network devices ACL/VLAN, enhance access controls by application-level access control with the unified agent.

Key Benefits

  • Top Things to Consider for Network Security

    A powerful infrastructure for solving intranet security management problems and ensure the implementation of various security management regulations.

  • Efficient Onboarding

    Streamlines the process and prevents unauthorized network, application or data access by dynamically assessing and remediating device security.

  • Complete Visibility and Accurate IT Asset Insights

    Automatically discovers network, device and connection relationships, clearly presenting the online asset and security status of the entire network.

  • Open Ecosystem Integrations

    Integration with Leagsoft’s endpoint security products as an infrastructure to fix intranet security management issues.

Business Scenarios

Wi-Fi Access (employees, visitors)
Access to enterprise wireless network through real-name identity authentication, combined with network entry security check, can protect enterprise wireless network security to assure compliance.
Wired Connection
By implementing access control, it can protect enterprise intranet security from the border, isolate non-compliant terminals and users outside of the enterprise network, and protect business security access.
Remote Access
Unauthorized users can be effectively prevented from remote access from external networks, and illegal terminals can be effectively prevented from accessing to the internal network.